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Maths and Science Teachers

Grader is a powerful tool that can help you improve your teaching and help you achieve your classroom goals.

Statistics to power up your classroom

Generate reports and view in-depth statistics for your classes, students and assessments. Export data and analyze trends to help empower your classroom.

Mary Sue

Joe Blogs

Average: 78%

Top assessment:
Relativity Investigation

Built for your classroom

Grader is perfect for your maths or science classroom. Upload your students's work, and grade it with your own custom criteria. You can change grades and generate reports at any time.

Any type of assessment

Whether it's a weekly math quiz, a research project, or an experiment, you can assess it on Grader with ease.

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Explore Grader, or create an account instantly to get started. You can also contact us to discuss your needs or volume licensing for your school.

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Grade anywhere

With a mobile app and a website, Grader can be used assess and view student's work anywhere, anytime.

Assess and analyse

See in-depth analytics on your classes and how your students are performing

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